¿Quién, qué, dónde, cuando, por qué?

I'm Jeremy Dean and I teach a class of Spanish primary children, in English, in an immersion school, in Spain. Confused? Me too.

In my spare time I'm fascinated by Spain, the Spanish people, their food, sport, history, culture... oh, and their language. So what better way to mix my work (teaching) with my hobby (all things Spanish) than by producing free resources for teachers and students who also have such an interest (if not such an obsession)?

Spain4exams won't attempt to 'teach' you; it will aim to tempt you to learn instead. I'll post about the weird and the wacky, the raro and the extraño and hope that what catches my interest will catch yours. All the hard work (learning verb tenses, vocabulary etc) I'll leave up to you and your teachers.

So if you fancy some time-out from the textbooks and the revision, but don't want to feel as guilty as you will if you fire up Spider-Solitaire again (I know you do, don't deny it) then have a browse through Spain4exams. If you want more, you can find the back-catalogue of original posts on my expat blog http://zenkyumaestro.blogspot.com.es/  under the 'photo puzzles' tabs.

Finally, back to my job. If you're intrigued by my work teaching a class of Spanish juniors in English, or you're thinking of doing something similar on a third-year-abroad, then check out the eBook I wrote about my first year in Spain. Zen Kyu Maestro: An English Teacher's Spanish Adventure is published by Monday Books. The blurb and a free download extract are available by clicking on the cover.

'As featured in the TES.'


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