Saturday, 24 September 2016

Boicot de Deberes!

I bet that headline will grab the attention of your students. But wait until they find out who's calling for the boycott...

el País 

el periodico mediterraneo 

¡Buen finde!

If you enjoyed this resource, you might like to read about my first year here in Spain as an immersion teacher of a class of Spanish primary children. Zen Kyu Maestro: An English Teacher´s Spanish Adventure is published as an eBook by Monday Books. There´s a free sample chapter available to download here: Zen Kyu Maestro
 Also, you can keep up with my current observations on life as an ex-pat teacher in Spain, as well as thoughts on the Spanish and English languages on my blog: zen kyu maestro...teacher in Spain or follow me on Twitter (@JeremyJoseDean) and/or Facebook (Jeremy Jose Dean).

Friday, 2 September 2016

Los Mejores están en la Liga...

An interesting view on the Premiership -v- La Liga, from a financial perspective. (From El País.)

Los mejores están en la Liga...

If you enjoyed this resource, you might like to read about my first year here in Spain as an immersion teacher of a class of Spanish primary children. Zen Kyu Maestro: An English Teacher´s Spanish Adventure is published as an eBook by Monday Books. There´s a free sample chapter available to download here: Zen Kyu Maestro
 Also, you can keep up with my current observations on life as an ex-pat teacher in Spain, as well as thoughts on the Spanish and English languages on my blog: zen kyu maestro...teacher in Spain or follow me on Twitter (@JeremyJoseDean) and/or Facebook (Jeremy Jose Dean).