Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Palabra del año 2015...

The (Spanish) word of the year for 2015* is (cue drumroll...) well, why don't you (and your students) have a little guessing game before looking?

To help narrow the field, here's a short video featuring the 12 'finalistas' from which the winner was chosen. BTW, have your finger on the 'pause' button and your dictionaries at the ready as some of the words might be a little obscure. (Well, they were to me...) And before you do search the dictionaries, there's a lot of useful dicusssion to be generated by attempting to guess the meanings.

Palabra del año 2015, doce finalistas video 

Palabra del año 2015, doce finalistas (definitions) 

The winning word is here: 2015 ganadora 

And if you enjoyed that, here are the 12 finalistas and la ganadora for 2014 plus the 2013 ganadora.

Palabra del año 2014, doce finalistas (video plus TVE news report) 

Palabra del año 2014, doce finalistas (definitions) 

2014 sopa de letras 

2014 ganadora 

2013 ganadora 


*According to the Fundéu BBVA, asesorada por la Real Academia Española (RAE).

If you enjoyed this resource, you might enjoy reading about my life here in Spain as an immersion teacher of a class of primary children. Zen Kyu Maestro: An English Teacher´s Spanish Adventure is published as an eBook by Monday Books. There´s a free sample chapter available to download here: Zen Kyu Maestro

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Elecciones Generales 2015

Spain has a general election on December 20th. Here are the first 'Party Political Broadcasts' of the top 4 parties. You'll find more info and videos on their websites (linked below).

PP. Partido Popular. The equivalent of the British Conservative Party. 

Leader: Mariano Rajoy. 


PP broadcast

PSOE. Partido Socialista Obrero Español. The equivalent of the British Labour Party. 

Leader: Pedro Sánchez. 


PSOE broadcast

Ciudadanos. New, slightly right-of-centre 'citizens party'. 

Leader: Albert Rivera. 


Ciudadanos broadcast

Podemos. New, left-of-centre 'citizens' party. 

Leader: Pablo Iglesias. 


Podemos broadcast 

If you enjoyed this resource, you might enjoy reading about my life here in Spain as an immersion teacher of a class of primary children. Zen Kyu Maestro: An English Teacher´s Spanish Adventure is published as an eBook by Monday Books. There´s a free sample chapter available to download here: Zen Kyu Maestro

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Chencho y la Bombilla Mágica.

I've seen the John Lewis 'Man in the Moon' Christmas video, but did you know that the Spanish equivalent to John Lewis also has a Christmas video? 

El Corte Inglés is the most famous department store in Spain, with shops in most of the large cities. They're noted for their Christmas displays so this year's video is very apt...

¡Feliz Navidad!


The Making of...

If you enjoyed this resource, you might enjoy reading about my life here in Spain as an immersion teacher of a class of primary children. Zen Kyu Maestro: An English Teacher´s Spanish Adventure is published as an eBook by Monday Books. There´s a free sample chapter available to download here: Zen Kyu Maestro