Sunday, 21 September 2014

¡Como un tigre!

I first saw this anuncio during the descuento of the Borussia Mönchengladbach -v- Villarreal partido on Thursday night. I've no doubt it's done the rounds in the UK so the translating shouldn't be too difícil .


¡Como un Tigre!

The second version isn't one I've yet seen on the TV...

Como un Tigre dos

Sunday, 7 September 2014

La Vuelta al Cole

Yes, it's back to school time again. But for some, it's even harder...

The current unemployment rate in Spain is 24.5%. Yes, one quarter of the workforce. That means a lot of hardship for families. A return to school comes at a price, uniform, books, classroom materials...

Cruz Roja and Carre Four have teamed up to co-ordinate a campaign of solidaridad to help families in financial difficulties. Here's the video for their campaign which was running this weekend:

I hope you enjoy your return to school.